- AbeBooks
- Amazon
- Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL)
- Astronomy Magazine
- Circuit Lab - interactive electronic lab
- Conservapedia
- DoorDash
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Cal Tech online
- Google Earth
- Google Maps
- Hooktheory - interactive music theory tools
- Khan Academy
- Math is Fun
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary - abridged free version
- National Review
- Newegg Electronics Store
- Periodic Table of the Elements - University of Nottingham
- Politico
- Sky & Telescope Magazine
- Slashdot
- Totally Guitars
- U.S. National Debt Clock - stats on federal budget, debt, GDP, employment, etc.
- Ultimate Guitar
- Wall Street Journal
- Wikipedia
- YouTube
©2023-4 Marcus Weston